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Empowerment Cover to Cover!

Read stories of ordinary people who have overcome adversity and triumphed against their odds to create extraordinary purpose and results. Let their stories inspire you to make that commitment in your own life to pursue what calls your soul.

You get to choose how you want to move forward, how you want your life to look and feel every day.

I know how lonely and isolating it is to be so different from others in your family and community, how it can feel like nobody in the world understands you. 

But how you feel about yourself is what's most important. Stepping into your power means being there for yourself, having your own back.

Which is why I said YES! when asked to contribute to Volume 7 of the Dare to be Authentic collection, Stepping Into Your Power.

I share my journey to empowerment, step-by-step with my best recommendations to help you move along your path more effortlessly to feel joyful and peaceful as your true self.


Life wasn’t always a merry-go-round of happy sunshine and butterflies for me. A lot of people look at me and think I’ve never had a down day. But that’s because happiness is my commitment, not because it was given to me on a silver spoon.

I've combined my 30 years in the wellness industry, 16 years intuitive coaching, energy healing, law of attraction, and magical-meets-practical strategies into unique programs. 

I specialize in uplifting my clients Sensitive Humanity Helpers, who know they need to keep their vibration high to use their emotions as a source of empowerment, not shame, to create the kind of energy that makes life feel like the "Ultimate Party".